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Nettlesersesjonen er utløpt, og utfylling som ikke er lagret kan være tapt. Vennligst last siden på nytt for å fortsette på skjemaet.

Fill out form


Bulk - Compliance Hotline

Fill out form

KPMG is an external reporting service on behalf of Bulk. The service ensures that everyone, employees, business partners and suppliers, can report their concerns confidentially.

The choice of giving notice and remaining anonymous is possible, but take into consideration that providing contact information can help answer questions that may arise during the investigation.

The information reported is vital, and we encourage you to be comprehensive in filling out this form. The more information provided, the greater the chance to find the underlying cause of the issue.

No person using this whistleblowing mechanism in good faith will be subject to retaliation.

Before sending make sure you have read and accepted our terms and conditions for this service. See the bottom of this form.

Report concern

Follow your case

You can choose to be kept up to date on our handling of your case. This service gives you the option of anonymously tracking and communicating with our case handlers. Please make a note of your reference number (stated below) and visit: https://skjema.onacos.no/kpmg/prod/saksbehandling/.

Your eference number:
1. For help and more information regarding each field, click on the question mark.
2. Your answers will be temporarily saved. Should you abort the completion by closing the browser window or click Cancel confirming "Do you want to leave the form?", all information entered will be deleted.
3. No information will be submitted to us until you confirm the content by clicking the Submit button found on the summary page.

How to complete the form

For help and more information regarding each field, click on the question mark.

* Required field

Please note that the form might time out after 20 minutes inactivity.

For general help on how to complete the form, click on Help above.

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